In this section we examine winter skin care

Looking after your skin in the winter is sometimes over looked so be careful not to forget to maintain your skin routine

the harsh winter winds and cold temperatures can cause your skin to lose its natural oils and moisture here are  a few tips to prevent any skin damage.


To protect your skin from the cold winds that strip your skin of its oils and make the dry and flaky try wearing gloves also avoid getting the hands wet.




when you are out about in the snow remember that you are still prone to getting sun burntsun screen snow will reflect 80% of UV rays whereas sand and beaches only reflects about 15%. Apply sunscreen to your exposed skin in the winter as well as the summer.

Also apply a lip balm to your lips to protect them from becoming chapped and dry.

To take care of the eyes wear sunglasses to protect from damaging UV rays.











After being out in the cold and decide to have a nice hot bath just be careful not to have the bath to hot as this can damage your skin try having a bath with a few drops of baby oil in it to give your body an all over softnessbath

It is said that a shower is best for time and money as it does not use as much water as a bath but sometimes a nice relaxing bath can be very beneficial as it opens your skins pours giving you a deep cleanse as well as feeling nice and calm .









In the summer drinking lots of water to keep hydrated is very important but do not be fooled in the winter it might feel cold and you probably

will not think you need to drink as much liquid but it is very important not make the mistake .drinkingDrink the same as if it was summer keeping your body hydrated allows the skin to maintain its healthy glow and suppleness.

The sun may not feel hot in the winter but it can still dry the skin even burn it so drink lots of water as part of your winter skin care.








Because its cold it is to easy to fall into the trap of eating all the wrong foods like hot pies and lots of unhealthy foods to keep you warm such as cakes and breads. try to keep your vegetable intake the same as normal by not just having a salad (which is unlikely to keep you warm )but try a warming vegetable soup..soup Don’t forget to add immune-boosting ingredients such as garlic, ginger, onion to help protect yourself from colds and flu.